Savouing the lazy break time, after...
Attending a super-awesome-fun wedding,
Celebrating eight nights of lights,
Cramming in parties, a soccer tournament, and general holiday fun.
Catching up on Scandal.
Obsessing still over The Blacklist.
Reading and finishing Big Little Lies, light, yet serious, totally enjoyable.
Discovering there is a new Fever book - Burned ,
Listening to Iced to catch up on the series and Serial (it was an interesting listen!).
Getting out in nature,
Writing poems,
Playing and playing with my Micron Ink Pen Set and words,
Planning in my awesome new planner, it will be stuck to my side, or at least some place I'll look often.
Looking back,
Looking forward,
Embracing the now.
Giving thanks to this beautiful, amazing, wonder filled life,
Saying good-bye to 2014 with some champagne, cheese, and probably an early bed time.
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