Ah discipline. It's a good thing to practice, and I was able to be disciplined until by health took precedence. I stuck to the schedule I set out for myself. I would juggle doing the practical stuff, like housework, with the fun, getting messy projects. I am satisfied with my progress in this area.
I am also glad I've realized that sometimes I may need to take a break from being disciplined to take care of myself. If I need to heal, I need to heal. I will find a way to continue on the projects when a much needed break becomes necessary. And that break may not always correspond with the ones designated on the calendar. That's OK!
Of course, there are areas I would like more discipline, like eating and exercise. Winter brings out the lazy in me regarding these areas. Spring may revive the desire to get fit and eat clean.
I'll continue striving for discipline in my life. I'll try to balance that out with some lounging days. I worry that I am making up for lost time. Then I take a moment and embrace where I am so that I can use the time I do have in a productive or counterproductive manner.
Up next: Fearlessly Healthy - it's time to transfer that discipline to eating healthy. I want to commit to a Whole 30, the prospect does scare me. I fear I won't be able to stick to it, that I'll cave as soon as the stress amps up. I'm going to try and can fearlessly stick with it as best I can.
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