As As I emerge out of toddlerhood and into big kid landia, I am finding we can visit other museums beyond the Children's Museum. I would visit more museums with more time and planning on my part. I am grateful we have a few artists in our family who create work that we can go visit or who have access to more professional supplies. I am also grateful we are in a large city where art can exist at a grand level as well as a smaller, experimental level. Both are valuable. Art and creativity are important to experience and explore. I made sure to get myself to a museum, kids in tow or on a lunch date.
Station Museum of Contempary Art
Exhibit: Collective Reaction: FotoFest 2014
Kyle and I were able to visit the Collective Reaction exhibit on a lunch date. We had the whole museum to explore at our own pace. It was an interactive experience with videos to watch, headphones to listen to, and a certain noise level repeating itself as we walked around.
I was challenged by what I saw, trying to understand what messages were being conveyed. An installment that showed a bombing in Baghdad that looked similar to a Fouth of July fireworks show in America, gave pause to the two different emotions that might play out in these two very different events. The collection was diverse and gave perspective to both foreign issues and modern shifts in how information is dispersed.
I'm glad we were able to experience a smaller musuem and consider some modern issues expressed artistically.
Museum of Fine Arts Houston
Exbibit: Soto - The Houston Penetrable
My kids want to touch things in a museum. I was happy to see that the Museum of Fine Arts had an exhibit that was so cool we could touch and walk through it.
Soto's Penetrable exhibit was grand. There were times I lost the children in the plastic strands. Of course they wanted to bunch them all up and test how much weight the strands could hold. We were swiftly told not to do that by the docents.
This one was too neat to pass up. Even though we can only do the Fine Arts musuem in short, quick visits - this was a fun experience for all ages.
Encylopedia Article for Museum: institution dedicated to preserving and interpreting the primary tangible evidence of humankind and the environment.
My Article: I want museums to make me think, feel, and see the world from more than one angle. I think of them as playground for my mind. The kids still think of them as playgrounds. I'm sure there's a place for both.
This is my birthday project - Experience 38, a reverse to do list. Watch the experience list grow.
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